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March 31, 2009

12 Days Post Partum...

Things are slowly smoothing out with a newborn in the house. Alex loves her but she's caused a very jealous, rebellious streak in him. It actually breaks my heart for the little guy. For three years he's been the center of my world and the center of attention from all his brothers and sisters. Now he's not. I kind of feel guilty for having another baby everytime I look at him. He has been in so much trouble since she came home from the hospital. But things are looking up, the kids all went back to school yesterday after their week long spring break. So I'm slowly getting into a routine with the two of them.

Lexi is up about every 2-3 hours at night wanting to nurse. She can eat! and eat and eat some more! I'm tired and mentally exhausted that I can't think. I know I did it before with Matt, Amber and Beth all under the age of five when Beth was born. But I don't remember how I did it. Probably why I fell off the crazy cliff.

I've literally lived off of prayers since last week. Everyday I pray for God to give me the strength to get through this new stage in my life. And I must say that if it weren't for God and friends that he has sent to me, I don't think I could make it.


Ashley said...

Hang in there, McAng. You'll get used to things and will soon forget this difficult part:)

carrhop said...

Praying here. You can do it, Girl. God's grace is sufficient. Hang in there!
