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October 11, 2008

I'm thinking about a new camera..

The last camera we bought over a year ago was an Olympus E-500, I love it, but I still haven't bought a good flash yet so all of my indoor pictures are pretty crappy. I've got two great lenses but I still want/need a macro, why? Just because I guess.

So I need a pocket camera, a smaller one that I can just throw in my purse or pocket for those less serious pictures. With my birthday, anniversary and Christmas all coming up very soon I thought I would start putting in my wish list. My husband is pretty good about taking the hints I give him or the list. Haha.

Here's one I've been looking at

Can any of you camera savvy ladies recommend a good small camera?


The Foley 5 said...

I'm a Canon kinda gal ;) I would highly recommend looking into a Canon. And if not a Canon, the Nikon Cool Pics arn't too shabby eihter!

Rachel said...

Ditto Erica. The Coolpix are great and so are the powershots. I am partial to Canon BUT next p&S I may give the coolpix another try. I loved mine.