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September 24, 2008

See You At The Pole...

PSALM 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations.

Every September, millions of students gather around their schools' flagpoles to intercede in prayer for their schools, families, friends, communities, and countries. It's a time of renewal and increasing faith as students pray for God's protection, guidance, and healing. This years theme is "Be still and know that I am God".

Visit the SYATP official site for more details on this student-led, nation-wide prayer vigil.

I was so proud of my 15 year old as he left early for school this morning. He wanted to make sure that he got to the flag pole early enough to get in front. He was meeting there with several of his friends from Church as well as his friends at school. It brought tears to my eyes to think that my son, loves Christ and cares enough to pray in front of his school, around his flag and to not be ashamed to stand for what he believes in. These kids interceding for our country, our daily lives, their schools and homes. What passion they have. A desire to seek God in his fullness. Sometimes I feel like as parent's we have failed our kids. We have failed to teach them the basics of the truth, our faith, our beliefs and we have let ourselves be railroaded by other beliefs. We have sat back while "other religions" are allowed to lay their mats on the school floor and pray at intervals during the school day, but as Christians, our children are not allowed to. But I do find victory in knowing that to talk to God, we don't have to make a scene and bring attention to ourselves. We can pray quietly and he hears us. Out of the stillness and quietness he knows us and who we are.


Unknown said...

Amen!! I agree with all that you said and more. I can remember doing "see you at the pole" when I was in high school, and it was always so amazing and rewarding. You should be so proud of him :)