This morning was a bit chilly, around 40 degrees outside so it was definitely cold. I had to dig to find some warm clothes for Bethany. I went through her "too big" clothes, she's finally in a size 10, it's about time, the poor kid finally made it to 63 pounds at 9 1/2 years old. Anyway, I found some cute clothes for her to wear, Amber's old clothes. But Bethany would not have anything to do with them, she was refusing to wear Amber's clothes. Well. What to do now? We're running out of time to go find another outfit that doesn't need ironed.
Then it came to me. "Bethany, I'll give you a dollar if you wear this." She took it. Whew. I bribed my child. Bad Mom, smack smack!
9 years ago
Sometimes kids and hand me downs just don't go together. Curses! I found you yesterday. I must say, you are amazing. I'm just married for the 2nd time and have gained 4 wonderful boys. I had an only child for 13 years. Now we are in a whole new ball game. :)
Did I just read the word "ironed"? I gave that up long ago. Now I just throw in the wrinkled clothes in the dryer for 5 minutes. It does a decent job. :)
Mom, bribery works. Not saying it's a good thing, but hey, when it works, and you are desperate... ;)
Oh, I almsot forgot... I gave you an award, and you can come pick it up over at my place here when you get the chance.
Megan is the same way. She is 11 and is barely 65lbs. She just moved into size 10 this school year too.
A mom's got to do what a mom's got to do. I've been none to whip out a few dollars every now and then.
haha sometimes its the only way ;)
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