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November 19, 2008

My 23 Week OB Appointment...

Wow, one more week and I'm in my third trimester! I've done really well, only gained 3 pounds this month and I'm trying so hard not to over eat and be careful of what I do eat. So I was beaming proud when they told me I had gained a whopping 3 pounds. So that's a grand total of 9 pounds at 23 weeks, with 5 of it coming from last month and the other pound in the first trimester. Whew.

Lexi was kicking up a storm, everytime the Dr. would try to listen to her heartbeat she'd start kicking and mess up the doppler thingy and she'd have to move it and start counting all over again. Alex was so good, I told him if he didn't sit down and behave while the Dr. was in that he'd have to get a behave shot. I know, mean Mommy. He didn't make a peep. When we were done, he wanted to know why I didn't get a shot because I was rude, LOL, ok, where did that come from?

But all of my headaches and tiredness are gone, so I only complained about my braxton hicks that hurt really bad sometimes only to find out that they weren't braxton hicks and that I needed to take them seriously. I was given instructions to stop carrying and lifting Alex unless I absolutely had to, and to stop doing so much and pushing my body too hard. That I should listen to my body. I'm to call back if they keep happening and if they don't let up, there may be bedrest to slow my butt down. Although I am not spotting, so that's a good thing. But they want to be on the safe side. I guess that means I'm getting older and my body is getting tired. Never had these issues before.

So that was my wonderful OB appointment.


Anonymous said...

wow! You have hardly gained any weight at all. Good for you!

23 weeks... won't be long now!

The Foley 5 said...

Awe, glad everything went well! I totally can't believe your already over half way, that's so awesome and exciting!!! And I agree with the doc, listen to your body and take it easy cause I promise you bedrest is NO FUN ... been there, done that ;)

Laura said...

I am going to have to remember the "behave shot". That is great! Take it easy woman. Well as easy as a mom of almost 8 can!

carrhop said...

You're almost in the home stretch!!


Julie said...

Put your feet up girl, and relax a little. You deserve it!!!!

Rosie : ) said...

The last pregnancy was tough for me too, because I used to ignore my body's signs alot with the first few. I still lifted stuff and pushed myself beyond what I should have. It wasn't a good idea. No details needed much but to say I learned my lesson from that mistake. :)

Your body will tell you when to slow down. It also seemed harder as I got older for the pregnancies. And the Braxton-Hicks do get fairly strong for the later pregnancies. They felt like about 3 centimeters dilated during labour for me. The trick was that they never went into my back until I started labour. But I always got more contractions when I did too much. It sounds as if you are experiencing the same kind of thing. Take a breath, take a nap, relax as much as possible...

You do realize that when the baby is born, you'll need to slow down? Well, start now! lol You won't get a minute for yourself in the fist little while after the baby is born, so might as well relax now. I know I'm one to talk, I never stopped much, either. {sheepish}

Keep taking care of that baby girl. :)

Dawn Gray said...

Hey girl! Won't be long now and Lexi will be here. You'd better rest now 'cuz there won't be any of that once she's here! You'll be wondering what it was like to just sit and put your feet up......

Can't wait to meet her! I'm amazed (and a little jealous) that you're keeping your weight down so well. Good job!

jolincountry said...

Wow, you're doing great with the weight gain.
You definitely need to be listening to your body. Slow down and take it easy! You're almost there!